Camino Encounters Earth Book.

Camino Encounters Earth Book is the fifth and last edition but could also have been the first. A good example of the opposites that belong to the earth element according to the Nine Star Ki theory. After Mike’s death, there is only emptiness which turns to loneliness. I am constantly pulled between a heavenly force and ground level energy. What does life expect of me when only ‘3 of us’ are left? And then, one after the other, both girls spread their wings to leave the nest.
Before starting their student lives, our daughters go on their Gap Years. Taking steps in the right direction. I got there too, eventually. It only took me a little longer. I walked in the Himalayas, walked the Camino de Compostela and started to write, all being part of my mourning process. I studied the ‘Nine Star Ki’ and the ‘Five Elements’ which has opened new gates for me. I now believe that there is a reason for why things happen or don’t. Our girls are living life to the fullest with their guardian angel watching over them, as he watches over me. And I also know that Mike and I are forever bonded by blood and united in love. I am strengthened by the knowledge that there are always new beginnings. I have ‘found myself’ and the way to inner peace, for that I am very grateful. My circle is round.
In this book I will shed some light on the workings of Nine Star Ki and the Five Elements. How the elements can work in everyone’s favour, how your relationships can work better for you by understanding your personal Nine Star Ki range and how food and relaxation based on the Five Elements can transform your vital life. I can only say that my life has been enriched by implementing the above. And I am thankful for the acquired knowledge. I wish for everyone that they feel and experience this reviving energy themselves one day when applying this theory.